XD Design Bobby Backpack Review

I have been using this backpack know for quite sometime and this is the coolest most dopiest backpack I have ever used. Apart from the looks the backpack has many other features that just makes you fall in love with it. Weight Balance: The backpack is perfectly balanced on the back and rests on the…

Classic Shows of 90s

Hi Guys! Miss Old days? To every 90’s kid our childhood was awesome all the cartoons and shows shown nowadays on TV are so crappy. Here’s a list of some of the cartoons I watched and I mean that I have watched :p Bob The Builder – Bob and his group help with renovations, construction,…

Learn chess basics in minutes

Chess is one of the oldest traditional games played between 2 players. Believed to be originated in India before the 7th century, chess is derived from the Indian game Chaturanga. The game comprise of each player having a total of 16 pieces: 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights and 8 Pawns….

CSGO Tips and Tricks

If you love to play Counter Strike Global Offensive then this is perfect place for you, here are some awesome smokes and flashes with some cool terminal commands to get edge over others in less than a minute. Commands: Note- First you need to enable the console from the settings menu. Use ~ key open…

Top 3 Action Anime Every Otaku Should Watch

List of action anime is quite broad but here’s a list of 3 of my favorite action anime that I recommend every otaku should watch.   Naruto Shippuden Who doesn’t like Ninjas and Jutsu, with exactly 500 episodes Naruto Shippuden series was concluded in 2017, the story revolves around a kid named Naruto who dreams…